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- Jun 21
The future of weddings post COVID, how will weddings change?
COVID-19 has changed world dynamics. The usual working of everything and every activity has turned upside down. The peril of this predicament is immense. The entire human race has to gear up for the post COVID era. With the development of vaccines and appropriate medicines being still under research. The world has to prepare novel strategies to fight this novel virus. Many sectors are badly affected by this unprecedented virus outbreak, and now gradually heading towards recovery.
Weddings are undeniable, one cannot stop this normal phenomenon. So now weddings have to be planned more carefully than ever. what will weddings be like post COVID?
Now with COVID as a neighbor, hosting a destination wedding or an opulent wedding is digging our own grave. Probably, one has to opt for subtle, basic, and intimate weddings to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
One has to put on their thinking hats to come up with creative and safe ways to celebrate their wedding. These weddings post COVID will be different from the normal weddings.
Here are a few ways that you can treasure and incorporate in your wedding, shielding yourself and the kith and kin from the virulent virus.

1. How To Make Guest Lists Of Weddings Post COVID
The terms such as ‘social distancing’ have been added to our dictionaries. It is evident that the fewer people you interact with the less likely to be affected. In this situation, the couple should usually opt for an intimate wedding. Minimize the guest list and include only the array of people who are very important to you. Although, removing people from the list can be pretty heartbreaking. It is not an easy task but it has to be adopted as a custom to ensure safety. Smaller the wedding, the larger is its impact. It will also allow the bride and groom to experience every minute detail distinctly and peacefully.The pre-wedding ceremonies should also be kept as minimal as possible.
2. Invitation- Gust Lists, How Many Guests In Weddings Post COVID
After preparing the guest list the next step is inviting the guests. A wedding invitation post-COVID usually contains necessary information as date, time, venue, theme, etc. An additional invitation card should be attached stating the precautions one has to take, as well as including a declaration that you will be following and monitoring safety guidelines will give your guests peace of mind and confidence. It is suggested to make masks and gloves mandatory dressing attire.To minimize hand contact, one can choose to customize their wedding cards digitally. Also, you can Live stream your wedding and send the invite to those who could not make it. A digital wedding card is the best option both to follow safety norms and also to control the wedding expenditure. Start the new vogue of e-invite and entail safety.
3. Venue And Seating Arrangement Of A Wedding Post COVID
Making sure that every element involved in the ceremony is well sanitized is very important. The Venue has to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized not leaving any crook and corner. The seating arrangement should walk in the path of social distancing. The seating has to be placed with the proper distance and has to be arranged family-wise.
It is better to fix the seating to a particular person by placing a name card so that people will not incline to change their seating, Outdoor venues are preferred because they provide more space, unlike the indoor ones which are confined and keep people close. Sanitization stations have to be kept wherever necessary so that people can easily access sanitizers and wipes.
The decoration should also be thought in such a way that non-reusable and fresh components are utilized rather than using the same elements which were used in some other wedding. Using seasonal flowers, good lighting and candles are better options.
We can expect standing ceremonies as a new trend in the future.

4. The D-Day
To some extent, this COVID has brought up the emotional aspects of the wedding to the surface rather than lacing it with ostentatiousness.
At the entrance, one has to be welcomed with a sanitizer. You can make your wedding more creative and add your touch of authenticity to it. You can provide your guests with a pre-wedding kit that can contain your wedding customized designer masks and gloves, sanitizer, wipes, etc.
Masks and gloves should become part of the wedding attire and theme. The entire time of the ceremony can also be reduced
5. Photography/Videography
A wedding is indubitably a special occasion in anyone’s life. Creating a photo album that resonates love and romance is a must. Having outdoor shoots will make distanced photography possible. Incorporating professional videography will allow you to live stream your wedding, this helps the ones who missed, to live the moment with you.

6. Food/Catering- This Is Major Planning For Weddings Post COVID
Failure of proper planning in this aspect will bury everything in an abyss. The contact and hand transfers have to be as less as possible. Keeping a quite normal menu will reduce the number of dishes used. Instead of a buffet, a plated service is preferred, this way people don’t need to get up from their places and also do not need to touch anything else. If this is not possible a service-oriented buffet is advised rather than self-service.
The severs, chefs and every person have to wear masks and gloves ensuring safety to themselves and the guests. Hand wash facilities and sanitizers, wipes should be made easily available in the food section.
Prefer ‘Namaste’ over the formal handshakes to greet. This will reduce the hand contact and also will bring the culture alive. Usually, Gifts at weddings are money enclosed in a gift cover, instead of this a digital registry can come to the picture.
If a digital registry is not an option for you, it is better to lean towards mobile wallets and online payment platforms like G-pay, PayPal, Paytm, etc. This will help you gift the newlyweds as well as keep oneself away from the coronavirus.
In case you receive any physical materialistic gifts, then it is better to place a gift stall or so, where your guests can place the gifts for you. Let those gifts be in quarantine for the stipulated amount of time and then you can uncover those and have a look at who gave what.

8.Dance/Entertainment- Keep An Eye And Plan With Extra Safety In Weddings Post COVID
This is optional and it is not mandatory that every wedding should comprise this aspect. But, even if you plan for a dance floor, you should be very careful so that people do not come too close to each other and bump into each other while dancing. Have a spacious dance floor with people dancing at an appropriate distance from each other is recommended.Other entertainment elements can be added, it is up to one’s creativity and customizations.
Other Factors
People are showing more propensity towards choosing a weekday as a wedding date. This is a good choice as many of the venues and vendors will be available. Also, weekdays will automatically reduce the guest number as only the ones very important will make sure to attend whereas others will be skeptical.
All the planning, talking with the vendors, meetings with the wedding planners are taking place virtually via a video call which is a good gesture that people are very considerate about the safety while planning their wedding. With a cloud of uncertainty hovering above us all the time, some couples are even going for virtual weddings. It is no surprise if weddings over a zoom call will be a common experience in the future.
Of course, every individual dream of having a fairy tale wedding in an exotic location, with everyone around them, the elements of extravaganza and lavishness screaming but the unfortunate turn of events has left no option but to have a basic wedding. This has left many in despair and couples now have to deal with a new set of emotions but the bright side to this is that you will pay attention to every detail.
New Experience At Wedding
You will experience every bit of it, rather than embracing the noise of gaudiness you will groove to the sweet melodies of love and warmth. You receive rather a new perspective of life, both in terms of observing the memorable wedding and also spending the rest of your life with your loving partner.
Above all, weddings will now have an abundance of veneration and subtle celebration and will not be taken as granted because people will now realize the dire significance lies in getting married to one another rather than pay attention to how grandly one got married.
Of course, a grand celebration is still in the bucket list but feeding the starving importance is the focal point at the moment. One can choose to have a sequel for the wedding after the situations return to normalcy and relive their dreams by fulfilling their fantasies.
We at Blissful Plans promise to take all the safety precautions and strictly stand by the security guidelines and norms while making your wedding splendid and noteworthy. Adding bright colors to your fading wedding expectations, we drape the celebration in festivity keeping it simple and safe.